Home Theater Ken Larson Set Designer
Traditional and Computer Aided Design and Graphics
Los Angeles, California, USA, Terra, Solar System Sol, Milky Way Galaxy, Local Group, Virgo Super Cluster, Local Universe
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Set Design - American Pie 2 - Light House - Kenneth A. Larson

Pencil, 2001

My main project was the lighthouse, Interior and exterior. Working from various pieces of reference, I developed this lighthouse. The lighthouse was to be placed on the end of the Malibu pier. Because the old pier wasn't strong enough to support the light house and the studio did not wish to spend th money to strengthen the pier, it was built at 3/4 size to keep the weight down. Also because of actual winter storms, the light house had to be rolled back to terra firma when not in use.
For the lighthouse, I produced the following drawings:

Plan and Elevation
Detail sheet of Light and Wind Meter using a Similar Mounting Bracket
Detail of Finial
Detail of Cupola
Detail of Cupola
Window Detail
Window Detail
Detail of Ship's Ladder
Detail of Support Legs
Detail of Support Legs
Detail of Footing
Detail of Railing
Door Detail
Door Detail
Detail of Bracket and Antenna.

Plan and Elevations
Window Detail
Window Detail
Cabinet Detail
Door Detail
Door Detail
Ship's Ladder Detail
Rack and Box Detail
Roof Hatch Detail
Detail of Opening in Ceiling
Note: These drawings are presented here for portfolio purposes only. These drawings are not available for sale or to be given away in hard copy or digitally in any scale. I will be happy to show hard-copy during a legitimate job interview for Set Designer.

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