Home Theater Ken Larson Set Designer
Traditional and Computer Aided Design and Graphics
Los Angeles, California, USA, Terra, Solar System Sol, Milky Way Galaxy, Local Group, Virgo Super Cluster, Local Universe
Hotel Room

Production Design & Art Direction

Kenneth A. Larson has served as Production Designer and Art Director on several student films and short films. Also several features that didn't reach production. I particularly enjoy working as Production Designer/ Art Director on student films and small films where I am the entire Art Department. It is not unusual for me, with only some assistance, to design and build every set, prop, graphic, and Special Effect. Since I can do it all, it is nice to stay in practice now that I have shifted primarily to Set Design. With a strong background in Visual Effects, Ken has Art Directed some model work.


Kenneth A. Larson recently finished The Company You Keep woring as a Set Designer. Kenneth A. Larson is available for work as a Set Designer. Updated: Wednesday, March 08, 2023

(NOTE: I am not Kenneth Mark Larson, who I have been confused with several times. He is a nice guy, but I am a different nice guy. I recently met him for the first time, working in the Warner Brothers Art Department, on different shows, it made for confusion. )

Art Direction for Visual Effects.
Member Visual Effects Society.
VFX Society

Note: These drawings are presented here for portfolio purposes only. These drawings are not available for sale or to be given away in hard copy or digitally in any scale. I will be happy to show hard-copy during a legitimate job interview.

Some projects include:
Assistant Art Director on The Last Ship season 2.
Dinner with Kip, 2002. An independent short film, my second film for Director Chris Schwartz.
Untitled Christmas Feature. We had a good start on the designs before we lost financing .
Gabrielle, 2000. Director Stephanie Jones.
The Continuing Adventures of Kid Dynamo, An independent short film, Chris Schwartz: Director.
After a month of preparation, this student film, Freak Boy, was canceled the day before we began shooting. All I have to show is paperwork.
Ramayan, an independent film. 1994
Alien Empire, an independent film that never reached production.
Resume Updated: April 30, 2003

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Full Credits Updated: April 30, 2003

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