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Set Design - Physical Models, Study Models, Pre-Vis for Motion Picture, Television, Theme Park - Kenneth A. Larson

Most of my first two decades in the entertainment industry were spent designing and building models. I've built models for Visual Effects, Theme Parks, Architecture, Aerospace, engineering, interior design, study, and display. Since 1996 I have worked exclusively as a Set Designer and while mostly doing 2D CAD drawings, I have done many 3D CAD and computer modeling and physical models from foam core or cardboard. I am considered fast and clean. Having built almost every type of model during a 40+ year career, I get the job done.

Note: These images are presented here for portfolio purposes only. These images are not available for sale or to be given away in hard copy or digitally in any scale. I will be happy to show hard-copy during a legitimate job interview for Set Designer.

Some of the hundreds of models physical I have built include:
  1. House model for Ben and Kate.
  2. For American Horror Story, I made both physical and Sketchup models, sometimes of the same set. Library SkethcUp and physical was one of them.Viviens Hospital Room SkethcUp and physical was another.
  3. For The New Girl I built several models of the sets for this 20th Century Fox pilot in 2011.
  4. Lie to Me, 20th Century Fox, season 3, 2010. I created hundreds of sheets of drafting in AutoCAD©, but also a number of quick simple study models.
  5. Model of a set of the pit of a drag strip for Titus, 2001.
  6. Models for The Castle for DreamWorks. 2001.
  7. In addition to almost 50 sheets of drawings, I also built five models for Collateral Damage. 2000.
  8. Assistance League of Southern California Design House, 2000. Model for P. M. Designs.
  9. Model of Duloc Street for Shrek. Physical model and virtual model.
  10. Study model of Castle for Shrek, one of several models, 1997.
  11. Model of house set for Cracker, 1997.
  12. Study model for Contact, 1996. This is the sphere that Jody Foster travels in. The model was made to study the reflective properties of the interior of a sphere.
  13. Indiana Boomtown Casino study model. 1995
  14. Claw Island, Riddler's base, Batman Forever, I built this
    Visual Effects model from a minimum of drawings. It required me to supply much design interpretation. I was advised by James Hegedus, the Visual Effects Art Director, to include this in my Set Design portfolio, 1995.
  15. Lucy Goldstar, simulator ride. Managed laser cutting for Boss Film, 1992.
  16. Tokyo Disneyland, "Second Gate" Studio Tour. Walt Disney Imagineering, 1990.
  17. On three separate occasions, I built study models of Universal Tours, Florida. Two versions for Design Models Inc. and one model of the final while working for Universal Studios.
  18. Several foam core models of theme park and other facilities for Cinimatix and John De Cuir Jr. in 1988.
  19. I worked at Design Models Incorporated many times between 1981 and 1993. Design Models Incorporated was a full service model shop catering to petrochemical, aerospace, architecture, engineering, ship building, military, entertainment, and other industries. The models were of high quality. Unfortunately, I think they fell victim to the general fall off of some of these industries in Southern California in the early to mid 1990's and I can no longer locate them. The image on the left is an architectural model, the image on the right is a model of a desalination plant for Saudi Arabia.
  20. Furniture for Exxon/Esso Gas Station.
  21. Communicore, EPCOT, Walt Disney World. Television studio model built for Brubaker Group, 1982.

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