Home Theater Ken Larson Set Designer
Traditional and Computer Aided Design and Graphics
Los Angeles, California, USA, Terra, Solar System Sol, Milky Way Galaxy, Local Group, Virgo Super Cluster, Local Universe
Hotel Room

Animation/Set Design - Shrek - Kenneth A. Larson

My screen credit was listed under "Los Angeles Pre-production". Little of my work survived four years of production and changes, but I like to think somethig made it through. I worked on this animation project for over six months in the "Viz Dev" (Visual Development) Department. Projects included a cathedral, castle, medieval buildings, and landscapes.

Originaly, the scenery was to be miniatures and the characters were to be CGI (computer generated imaging). I was hired because of my extensive background in Visual Effects miniatures, both building and design. After about two and a half months, the decision was made that miniatures would have cost too much and to do the entire film as CGI. I was kept n for another four months, developing designs for the CGI sets.

It was over three years before the film was finished and I saw my work on the screen.

Note: These drawings are presented here for portfolio purposes only. These drawings are not available for sale or to be given away in hard copy or digitally in any scale. I will be happy to show hard-copy during a legitimate job interview for Set Designer.

Duloc Street
Fiona's Room
Dragon's Keep
Dining Room
Throne Room
Towns and Villages

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