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Traditional and Computer Aided Design and Graphics
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Set Design - SketchUp and Layout
Kenneth A. Larson

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I started using AutoCAD for Set Design in 1992, both for 2D and 3D applications, long before most other Set Designers. Unfortunately when the rest of the Art Department discovered CAD and Computer Modeling, it was with VectorWorks and SketchUp. With a head start of a well imbedded comfort with CAD and computer modeling, I learned SketchUp quickly.
Art Directors Guild
Local 800
Set Designers and Model Makers,
Computer Specialist.

Visual Effects Society.

Note: These images are presented here for portfolio purposes only. These images are not available for sale or to be given away in hard copy or digitally in any scale. I will be happy to show hard-copy during a legitimate job interview for Set Designer.

Border Crossing, SketchUp, 2021
Grace and Frankie,2021

ICU Wall, SketchUp, 2020

Lobby Desk, SketchUp, 2020

Hull, SketchUp, July 2019 - February 2020.
The Orville.

Tsunami Channel Santa Monica, SketchUp 2019.

Tsunami Channel Santa Monica, SketchUp 2019.

Tsunami Channel Santa Monica, SketchUp 2019.

Attic, SketchUp 2019.

Call Center, SketchUp 2019.

Wright House, SketchUp 2019.

Claudias Bathroom, SketchUp 2019.

Manboy, SketchUp 2019.
Snowfall. Study to board up the windows of this coke lab.

Manboy, SketchUp 2019.
Snowfall. Study to board up the windows of this coke lab.

Cheap_Motel, SketchUp 2019.
Snowfall. Reconfiguring a stock set.

Franklin's House, SketchUp 2019.
Snowfall. Study for secure door to cash room.

DJ_Booth, SketchUp 2019.
Snowfall. Study for a D.J. Booth.

DJ_Booth, SketchUp 2019.
Snowfall. Study for a D.J. Booth.

Tijuana House, SketchUp 2019.
Snowfall. A border house and tunnel.

Proxin House, an exterior location and interior set for an involved action sequence.SketchUp 2018.

Proxin House, SketchUp 2018.

Proxin House, SketchUp 2018.

The scene called for a cheesy Space Ship for a 'B" movie. SketchUp 2019

Simple set for a Skype scene, SketchUp 2019

Observation Post, SketchUp 2019

Agape Attic, SketchUp, 2018
Strange Angel.

Parson's House, SketchUp, 2018
Strange Angel.

"Dense Forest", SketchUp, 2018
Strange Angel.

Fantasy Moon sequence, SketchUp, 2018
Strange Angel.

Fantasy-Opulent Bedroom, SketchUp, 2018
Strange Angel.

Conference Room, SketchUp, 2018
Strange Angel.

Studies to match location. SketchUp, 2017.

Black Room, SketchUp, 2017

Fukayama's space had a variety of names and designs. Most of the designs were based on the concept of M. C. Escher, gardens on the wall, stairs on the ceiling, etc., SketchUp, 2017
Fukayama's space, SketchUp, 2017
Fukayama's space, SketchUp, 2017
Fukayama's space, SketchUp, 2017

Attic. Layout 3, 2013.

Attic. Layout 3, 2013.

Atlantis Two from Above
Atlantis Two. Made entirely in SketchUp and I made all the components myself from aircraft to watercraft, people to plants, accessories to buildings. SketchUp 8. 2013.

Heliport with Tricopter.
Atlantis Two from Below
Underwater looking upward to Sub Dock.



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Photo Match - King's County, California Photo Match - Hillsboro, New Mexico
I used SketchUp's Photo Match to create these models in a few minutes from photos of buildings in Kings County, California and Hillsboro, New Mexico. SketchUp 8, 2013.

Stage 21A
The space was tight and we had a two-story set, so I made this SketchUp model of Stage 21A (the basement stage at CBS Radford). The schedule got cut and we didn't make a model of the set. Sketchup Pro 8.0, 2012, Friday Night Dinner (Pilot).
Futuristic Cityscape
Futuristic cityscape, Sketchup Pro 8.0, 2011.

Delivery Room
Delivery Room, Sketchup Pro 8.0, 2011.
American Horror Story.
burial hole
We made a burial hole with one end wild, Sketchup Pro 8.0, 2011.
American Horror Story.

Library Library
Library, Sketchup Pro 8.0, 2011 (left), foam core (right).
American Horror Story.

Viviens Hospital Room Viviens Hospital Room
Viviens Hospital Room, Sketchup model (right) and physical model (left).
American Horror Story.
Viviens Hospital Room
Viviens Hospital Room, SketchUp and Layout. American Horror Story.

Harmon Guest Bathroom
Harmon Guest Bathroom.
Harmon Bathroom
Harmon Bathroom.
American Horror Story, Sketchuip Pro 8.0. 2011.

Arabesque Arabesque
Arabesque. Theme park attraction. SketchUp Pro 7.1. 2010.

Modern building Modern building
Modern building. SketchUp Pro 7.1. 2010.

Store Front Church Store Front Church
Store Front Church, Rozzoli & Isles. SketchUp Pro 7.1. 2010.
Totem Pole Totem Pole. Rozzoli & Isles. SketchUp Pro 7.1. 2010. Hilliard's Place Hilliard's Place - director drawing. Rozzoli & Isles. SketchUp Pro 7.1. 2010.

Police Station Police Station
Police Station Police Station
Rockford Files (pilot), Police Station, location survey . SketchUp Pro 7.1. 2010.

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