Gabrial Ken Larson Set Designer
Traditional and Computer Aided Design and Graphics
Los Angeles, California, USA, Terra, Solar System Sol, Milky Way Galaxy, Local Group, Virgo Super Cluster, Local Universe

Set Design - Vectorworks - Kenneth A. Larson

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I started using CAD in the early 1990s, mostly using AutoCAD. Over the years, I slowly added new programs to my tool kit. After passing over many jobs requiring Vectorworks, I've recently started to learn this new tool. While not yet the best, I can work with existing Vectorworks drawings and for speed, use AutoCAD for swing sets that probably won't be saved. I have often been told that I am fast and that my AutoCAD drawings are better than "last season," as I quickly draw exactly what I want in AutoCAD, instead of adjusting BIM settings in Vectorworks to get close. I usually out-produce Vectorworks or SketchUp drafters. I gave up on MiniCAD 25 years ago because everything took twice as many steps as the program I already knew. AutoCAD is an excelent drafting tool if you need 2D Construction drawings, SketchUp, Rhino, and Vectorworks are better modeling programs, but not drafting programs. But the demand is for Vectorworks. You don't know there is anything better than Apple Pie, because you won't try French Appl Pie.
Art Directors Guild
Local 800
Set Designers and Model Makers,
Computer Specialist.

Visual Effects Society.

Note: These images are presented here for portfolio purposes only. These images are not available for sale or to be given away in hard copy or digitally in any scale. I will be happy to show hard-copy during a legitimate job interview for Set Designer.

Below are early samples of my Vectorworks projects as I learn this overly complex program.

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